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Pantocrator Matte Canvas

Pantocrator Matte Canvas

Regular price $41.88 USD
Regular price Sale price $41.88 USD
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Christ Pantocrator, or the Almighty who comes in the glory of his divinity, represented by his white garments, at the end of time. Christ Pantocrator expresses the eschatological expectation of the Christian assembly and of the whole world. In Christ's left hand is the book of life in which we read "Amate i vostri nemici" and "Vengo presto" ("Love your enemies" and "I will come soon"); these words are the heart of the New Covenant and a call to perseverance. With his right hand he blesses. Christ's body is inscribed in the three cosmic spheres. The first sphere is blue and represents the Earth. The second sphere is black and represents the death that surrounds the Earth. The third sphere is sky blue and represents heaven. In the centre the figure of Christ breaks the circle of death and unites Earth with Heaven. The four red lateral angles are an image of the four Evangelists who announce the coming of Christ into the world.

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